Saturday, January 5, 2008

Sunshine and Rain

Good morning sunshine!!
>>what do you mean sunshine?? The sky is gray from dusk til dawn!

The days are getting longer though, spring is coming!
>>Spring is coming?? Winter just started officially for 2 weeks!
Well, at least it's not raining!
>>Not YET - you know how it drizzles constantly out there.

And it's not freezing cold either.
>>Tired of this gray weather, no snow in the winter, no heat in the summer!
Alright, these jeans still fits, december didn't do much harm!
>>Oh, don't you see the muffin effect there?? And this isn't even your skinny jeans!

Well, better get going to the gym again then.
>>Right, try convincing yourself to go when it's dark and rainy out there, you failed the last couple of months, what makes you think today is any different?
What about housecleaning then? That will burn some calories, and the clean house will make you happy!
>>Ehm, and where do you suggest to start? The bedroom? The pile of dirty laundry? or the clean ones on ironboard? The dirty dishes? Vacuuming? Scrub the bathtub? And the kitchen tiles?

Ugh...why did I even bother to drag myself out this morning??

And that's how I normally sabotage my own happiness!

There will always be two sides to everything, practicing which side to focus on is most difficult. Why is keeping the sunny side up so difficult? Maybe if I remind myself often enough
flipping to that side won't be such a struggle!

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